dimanche 30 mars 2014

EM15 2014

On May 29, it was our performance at Elektra-Mutek festival EM15. The public came to attend several electro-minimalist performance. It was a unique opportunity to present our concept of digital art performance to electro-acoustic enthusiasts.

This event was held in the magnificent Beverley Webster Rolph Hall of the Contemporary Art Museum (MAC) in Montreal. The sound was special and intimate due to its floor covered with thick carpets and long black velvet curtains covering the walls. 

Although our concept is musically more akin to the electro-dub, our passage was noticed and appreciated because of its difference and its conceptual originality. People were captivated by the symbiosis that we are trying to create between the two mediums and our complicity with our obvious pleasure to perform.

For the first time, we have added projection to our performance. A new dimension ! It was not our original concept of "over-projection" which is done voluntarily in the absence of screen. But this time, there was a giant screen 20 'wide by 15' high.
The initial step is the same: to capture and tweak native images taken from the mini-camera placed on the paint artist's chest, filming the action of painting closer to the canvas and return everything to influence the pictorial creation.

A Vj change had to be made that morning. A beautiful and happy surprise happened. The project has a lucky star ! Dj Pfreud, seeking a solution to help us out, crossed path with VJ Hypnotica (Russell Vaz) at Laika. Not knowing our concept, Russell nevertheless accepted the challenge to accompany us in this performance !

photos : Eric SImoneau
